Friday, June 13, 2014

Second email: Sins, Peaches, Peach Trees, Fishing, Fishers and Sinners--It's All the Same Thing!

What we have all been waiting for, drum roll please....the second email and tons of pictures!

Wow! Christmas in June! I got three whole letters this week and it was like Manna From Heaven! But seriously, I never realized how much missionaries appreciate mail until I became one! To answer some questions, I will be at the MTC through July 7th. So hand written mail will get to me for the next month and is the bomb!

So this week I found out in class that you have to be extra careful with a few words. "Peche" and "Pecher" with a slight change of accents could mean sins, peaches, peach tree, fishers, fishing or sinners. (Whaaa??) So try to be careful you don't end up teaching someone that "Christ suffered for your peaches." But really. Watch out for that one... ;)

This week we decided to play a practical joke on our investigator, Brigitte. Usually, when we teach her, we all go and visit her in our companionships one after another. So our district came a little early and sat in the classroom before she got there. When she opened the door, she looked so suprised to find 6 missionaries waiting for her.

We told her we wanted to try a 'new' missionary teaching method. As she walked in she started laughing so hard that she just sank to the floor. In her beautiful french she told us between giggles, "I will Never be late again!" haha. But the joke's on us.

The next day we found out that her real name is Sister Hoover and she's our OTHER french instructor.And she's from Idaho Falls, Idaho. We TOTALLY thought she was a native french speaker! Several indicators led me to believe that she might be an MTC teacher. Like one time during our lesson we didn't know how to say a certain word and she went all teacher on us and spelled it out on the board for us...hmmm?

This week has past by like a dream, but it has been filled with so many wonderful things. Our district's been working on learning the french hymns so we don't sound like mooing cows in sacrament meeting (that's what happens when you attempt to sing in french but have no idea how to pronounce the words!) Soeur Tippett, Shields, Bardsley and I had the opportunity to sing the french hymn "Souvien-toi" in sacrament meeting this past Sunday. The song talks about our relationship with our Heavenly Father before this life. It is sooo beautiful (Thanks Dad for the copy of the music. Love ya!) At the end of the song, God asks us (his children) to accept his great plan for us and with love and faith, return to him. That song reminds me of how much I love my family and dear friends! Much love to you all!

Soeur Bronte Hopkins

Doesn't she look awesome! Keep sending her letters she loves them!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww so cute! And in the last picture, love the necklace ;)

    Also, what's up with the band aids? Did you guys donate blood?
